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In April, the county Board of Supervisors accredited updates to the fee’s bylaws that now embody a code of conduct and new course of to take away a commissioner for simply trigger, which led to a renewed name to settle the matter of Hodges’ elimination with a vote.

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The mission of the 26-member physique, which was revived by the county in Could 2020, is “to advertise constructive human relations, respect, and the integrity of each particular person no matter gender, faith, tradition, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or citizenship standing.” Of the 19 commissioners who had been in attendance on the assembly through the vote, 10 elected to take away Hodges, six voted towards his elimination, and the rest abstained. Williams San Diego County Human Relations Fee held a particular assembly by way of Zoom, lastly settling discussions on whether or not or to not take away Commissioner Dennis Hodges after he continued to double down on his feedback. The county’s human relations fee voted on Thursday to not take away a commissioner for his controversial remarks in regards to the LGBTQ neighborhood and transgender people.Īfter months of heated debate, the Leon L.

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