Florida school gay bar trip

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The restaurant characterizes itself as a place to “see” and “be seen,” and it describes its staff as being “like family (the good kind, that you would choose to have.)”įlorida’s official tourism marketing company cites sources calling Wilton Manors “Florida’s most famous gayborhood.

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Rosie’s menu items include “Naked Sweaty Lovin’,” “Beet Your Brains Out” “Rhoda Cowboy,” “Ivana Hooker” and “Young Ranch Hand,” according to its website.

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Photos from the event show 18 children who appear to be under the age of ten wearing masks and matching t-shirts outside Rosie’s.Ī school in district took elementary age kids to a gay bar on a field trip today /kfRgzPJwSO School Board Member Sarah Leonardi October 27, 2021īroward County School Board member Sarah Leonardi attended the field trip and commented, “I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone … the students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community!” She also mentioned that this is an annual trip hosted by the gay bar for children. A History Of Rock Music In 500 SongsEpisode 147: Hey Joe By The Jimi Hendrix Experience177 Episode 149: Respect by Aretha Franklin. I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone field trip to the incredible Rosie’s! The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community! A huge thank you to for hosting this special field trip every year! /A3rpMbyUJP Wilton Manors Elementary School brought students to Rosie’s, a local gay bar, for a field trip, a school board member announced Wednesday.

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